The Border Collie Chronicles

Observations from (arguably) the World's Smartest Dogs;
(but, without question, the bestest friends!)
or, Life As We Understand It, as told from dad's shop.

Posted May 18, 2017

Bubba’s Letters To God - Two

"The Second Verse"


Editor’s Note:  When I was cleaning up the shared drive last July, I ran across these “letters” that the masterful Mr. Bubba had penned … evidently God doesn’t have a gmail or hotmail account – so they never got sent … but we know that God saw them.  I decided to go ahead and post them on the site.  Hope you enjoy!

          Letters To God 2

Dear God,


I bet it is very hard for you to love everyone in the world ALL of the time.  I only have four sisters, and I never can do it ALL the time.


Thank You Though,




          Letters To God 2 


Dear God,


In Sunday School they told us what You do.  Who does it when You are on vacation (Hayley, Jake and Ronny take turns feeding us when mom and dad are gone)?






          Letters To God 2 


Dear God,


I read the Bible. What does 'begat' mean?  Nobody will tell me.






          Letters To God 2 


Dear God,


Is it true that dad won't get in Heaven if he uses his “shop” words in the house?


I'm Concerned!




          Letters To God 2 


Dear God,


Did you mean for the giraffe to look like that or was it an accident?


Just Saying,




          Letters To God 2 


Dear God,


Who draws the lines around the countries and colors them in?  I think I'd be good at that job!






          Letters To God 2 


Dear God,


I heard about this wedding where they kissed right there in church (right there in front of the preacher and everything!).  Is that OK?






          Letters To God 2 


Dear God:


What does it mean when they say that You are a Jealous God?  I thought that You had everything.






          Letters To God 2 


Dear God: 


Did you really mean "do unto others as they do unto you"?  Because if you did, then I'm going to fix my sisters.


I'm Hoping So,



          Letters To God 2

Yeah ... That's OUR Bubba!
And believe it or not ... there are still more!

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